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damiddeg (masculine damiddegen, neuter damiddegt, comparative méi damiddeg, superlative am damiddegsten)

  1. humble, lowly
    • Luxembourgish translation Matthew 11:29:
      Huelt mäi Jach op iech a léiert vu mir, well ech si vu ganzem Häerz duuss an damiddeg, an dir fannt Rou fir är Séil.
      Take my yoke upon yourself and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul.


Declension of damiddeg
singular plural
masculine feminine neuter
predicative hien ass damiddeg si ass damiddeg et ass damiddeg si si(nn) damiddeg
nominative /
attributive and/or after determiner damiddegen damiddeg damiddegt damiddeg
independent without determiner damiddeges damiddeger
dative after any declined word damiddegen damiddeger damiddegen damiddegen
as first declined word damiddegem damiddegem