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3 terms



Compare Amharic ድንቅ (dənḳ, wonderful, superb).





damāqum (G, i, durative idammiq, perfect iddamiq, preterite idmiq, imperative dimiq) (from Old Akkadian on)

  1. to be good, better, improve, prosper, have success, have a good luck
    𒇧𒁕 𒅆𒊑𒀀 𒁲𒅎𒋡 [bulṭā, širiā, dimqā]bul-ṭa ši-ri-a di-im-qa(Ye) be healthy, prosper, have good luck! (leave-taking formula)
    𒁾𒁀𒄠 𒈠𒄯 𒄴𒄭𒅀 𒀸𒆪𒌦𒈠 𒌝𒈠 𒋗𒉡𒈠 𒁕𒈪𒅅
    [ṭuppam maḫar aḫḫīya aškunma umma šunūma damiq]
    DUB-pa₂-am ma-ḫar aḫ-ḫi-ia aš-ku-un-ma um-ma šu-nu-ma da-mi-iq
    I placed the tablet before my colleagues and they said: "It is good".


Infinitive damāqum
Participle dāmiqum
Adjective damqum
Active Durative Perfect Preterite Imperative
1.sg adammiq addamiq admiq ludmiq
2.sg m tadammiq taddamiq tadmiq dimiq
f tadammiqī taddamqī tadmiqī dimqī
3.sg idammiq iddamiq idmiq lidmiq
1.pl nidammiq niddamiq nidmiq i nidmiq
2.pl tadammiqā taddamqā tadmiqā dimqā
3.pl m idammiqū iddamqū idmiqū lidmiqū
f idammiqā iddamqā idmiqā lidmiqā

This table gives Old Babylonian inflection. For conjugation in other dialects, see Appendix:Akkadian dialectal conjugation.

Alternative forms

Cuneiform spellings
Logograms Phonetic
  • 𒁕𒈠𒄣 (da-ma-qum)
  • 𒁕𒈠𒄣 (da-ma-qu)


  • “damāqu”, in The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)[1], Chicago: University of Chicago Oriental Institute, 1956–2011
  • Black, Jeremy, George, Andrew, Postgate, Nicholas (2000) “damāqu(m)”, in A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian, 2nd corrected edition, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag