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da gata

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See also: Dagata





Literally, to give ready.


  • IPA(key): /ˈda ˈɡa.ta/
  • Hyphenation: da ga‧ta



a da gata (third-person singular present dă gata, past participle dat gata) 1st conjugation (transitive, idiomatic)

  1. to finish, especially in an impressive manner
  2. to hit one hard
    Synonym: termina
    • 1972 March, Octavian Popa, “Convorbire cu Ieronim [A talk with Ieronim]”, in Orizont, 23, number 215, Timișoara, page 44:
      Nu vezi cum am slăbit ? Operația m-a dat gata, abia mă țin pe picioare.
      Can’t you see how thin I’ve become? The operation hit me hard, I can hardly stand up.
  3. to kill
    • 1983, “Drumețul [The traveller]”, in Marcel Petrișor, Zaira Calciu-Samharadze, transl., Șatili: proză gruzină contemporană) [Shatili: contemporary Georgian prose], Bucharest: Univers, translation of original by Guram Haraidze, page 68:
      Data al meu, zice ea, nu-i omul pe care să-l dea gata glonțul…
      My Data, she says, is not a man a bullet could kill
  4. (figurative) Synonym of da pe spate (to blow away, impress)
    • 1983, Gabriela Adameșteanu, Dimineață pierdută [Wasted morning], Bucharest: Cartea Românească, page 384:
      Da’ știi că m-ai dat gata: n-aș fi zis că ești așa pricepută să faci să meargă o vechitură!
      But you know, you blew me away: I wouldn’t have said you were so skilled at getting an old piece of junk to work!
  5. to seduce (pick up)

