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From cymhleth (complicated) +‎ -u.





cymhlethu (first-person singular present cymhlethaf)

  1. (transitive) to complicate


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future cymhlethaf cymhlethi cymhletha cymhlethwn cymhlethwch cymhlethant cymhlethir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
cymhlethwn cymhlethit cymhlethai cymhlethem cymhlethech cymhlethent cymhlethid
preterite cymhlethais cymhlethaist cymhlethodd cymhlethasom cymhlethasoch cymhlethasant cymhlethwyd
pluperfect cymhlethaswn cymhlethasit cymhlethasai cymhlethasem cymhlethasech cymhlethasent cymhlethasid, cymhlethesid
present subjunctive cymhlethwyf cymhlethych cymhletho cymhlethom cymhlethoch cymhlethont cymhlether
imperative cymhletha cymhlethed cymhlethwn cymhlethwch cymhlethent cymhlether
verbal noun cymhlethu
verbal adjectives cymhlethedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future cymhletha i,
cymhlethaf i
cymhlethi di cymhlethith o/e/hi,
cymhlethiff e/hi
cymhlethwn ni cymhlethwch chi cymhlethan nhw
conditional cymhlethwn i,
cymhlethswn i
cymhlethet ti,
cymhlethset ti
cymhlethai fo/fe/hi,
cymhlethsai fo/fe/hi
cymhlethen ni,
cymhlethsen ni
cymhlethech chi,
cymhlethsech chi
cymhlethen nhw,
cymhlethsen nhw
preterite cymhlethais i,
cymhlethes i
cymhlethaist ti,
cymhlethest ti
cymhlethodd o/e/hi cymhlethon ni cymhlethoch chi cymhlethon nhw
imperative cymhletha cymhlethwch


Mutated forms of cymhlethu
radical soft nasal aspirate
cymhlethu gymhlethu nghymhlethu chymhlethu

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading

  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “cymhlethu”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies