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See also: Cuauhtlah

Classical Nahuatl


Alternative forms




From cuahuitl (tree) +‎ -tlah.





cuauhtlah (locative)

  1. (in) a forest, grove or other wooded area.
    • 1555, Alonso de Molina, Aqui comienca vn vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana, f. 22v:
      Arboleda.  quauhtla.
      A grove.  quauhtla.
    • Idem, f. 35v.
      Boſque de arboles.  quauhtla.quaquauhtla.
      A forest of trees.  quauhtla.quaquauhtla.
    • 1571, Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, f. 87r. col. 1:
      Quauhtla. montaña, arboleda o boſque.
      Quauhtla. a mountain, grove or forest.
    • c. 1600, anonymous author, Anónimo mexicano, f. 1v:
      auh yn zan onenque cuauh tla tepetla ocacic macuilpohualli Yhuă nahui xiuh tíca,
      and they just wandered in the forests and the mountains for one hundred and four years.
    • Idem, f. 11r.
      mochíhícxitlanhuíc manticatca, oncan yecate paca yotica. necehuiliztíca atlan, cuauhtla, tepetlan, o-yaia tlamati[…]
      When it was all completed, they were happily resting together there near water and an abundance of trees, among the mountains.

