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croup +‎ -ous



croupous (not comparable)

  1. (medicine) Relating to or resembling croup; especially, attended with the formation of a deposit or membrane like that found in membranous croup.
    croupous laryngitis  croupous pneumonia
    • 1867 March 29, W. H. Draper, “The Thermometer in the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment, of Disease: Extract from Address [...] Read before the New York Medical Journal Association, March 29th, 1867. Reported by E. S. Belden, M.D.”, in S. W. Butler, D[aniel] G[arrison] Brinton, editors, The Medical and Surgical Reporter: A Weekly Journal, volume XVI, number 531, Philadelphia, Pa.: Alfred Martien, printer, [], published 4 May 1867, →OCLC, page 377, column 2:
      [Carl Reinhold August] Wunderlich, who has made probably more observations with the thermometer than any other living man, has determined, for example, that in simple croupous pneumonia, where the temperature does not exceed 104°, Fahrenheit, the pulse 120, and the respiration 40 in the minute, the case may be considered a favorable one; will surely reach its crisis in from six to ten days, and defervesce, without any medical treatment, except proper attention to the ordinary hygienic and dietetic rules.