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conspiracy of silence

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From conspiracy +‎ of +‎ silence.


  • IPA(key): /kənˌspɪɹəsi əv ˈsaɪləns/



conspiracy of silence (plural conspiracies of silence)

  1. Synonym of wall of silence.
    • 1889, H. Rider Haggard, chapter 24, in Beatrice:
      But neither spoke to the other on the subject. They had entered into a conspiracy of silence.
    • 1902, E. W. Hornung, chapter 31, in At Large:
      Biggs—in the presence of Colonel Bristo—made a last effort to induce Sergeant Compton to join the conspiracy of silence regarding the identity of Miles, the Australian adventurer.
    • 1919, Jerome K. Jerome, chapter 2, in All Roads Lead to Calvary:
      That its educated followers no longer believed in a physical Hell, that its more advanced clergy had entered into a conspiracy of silence on the subject was no answer.
    • 2001 May 15, Jane E. Brody, “A Conversation with Dan Shapiro: A Doctor's Story of Hope, Humor and Deadly Cancer”, in New York Times, retrieved 8 August 2012:
      “There's a conspiracy of silence in medicine around death and dying.”



See also


