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See also: chaan, chá-an, and chá'àn

Yucatec Maya






chaʼan (plural chaʼanoʼob)

  1. a show
  2. a festival
  3. a video
    • 2025 January 14, “Paalal, u jach k’a’ananil ti’al u kuxtal máasewal t’aano’ob”, in Sasil Sánchez Chan, transl., La Jornada Maya[1]:
      Aaron Puc Chi yéetel Roger Arturo Och Pomol, ajka’ansajo’ob tu najil xook Jacinto Uc de Los Santos, tu kaajil Kanxoc, tu méek’tankaajil Saki’, tu ts’áajo’ob k’ajóoltbil u meyaj Maaya wayak’, tu’ux ku beeta’al u doblajeil cha’ano’ob ich maaya t’aan, u ya’abile’ caricaturas ku k’a’abéetkunsa’al yéetel le mejen paalalo’ob te’el najil xooko’.
      Aaron Puc Chi and Roger Arturo Och Pomol, teachers at the Jacinto Uc de Los Santos school in the town of Kanxoc, in the municipality of Valladolid, presented their project "Mayan Dream", which involves dubbing videos into Yucatec Maya, mostly cartoons, which they use with the children at the school.



chaʼan (intransitive)

  1. to watch something entertaining




  • Academia de la Lengua Maya de Yucatán, A. C. (2003) Diccionario maya popular: Maya-español, español-maya (in Spanish), →ISBN, page 36:CHA’AN
  • Yoshida, Shigeto (2009) Diccionario de la conjugación de verbos en el maya yucateco actual (in Spanish), Sendai: Tohoku University, page 10:CHA’AN