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Carballa of Cartelos



From carballo (oak).





carballa f (plural carballas)

  1. large, old oak tree, frequently used as a landmark
    • 1447, M. del Carmen Sánchez Carrera, editor, El Bajo Miño en el siglo XV. El espacio y los hombres, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 327:
      Item mays o pardinneiro que esta enna testeira da vinna onde esta a figueira bordiando et outro meo pardinneiro que esta na testeira [da] dita vinna con a carvalla que esta iunto con o dito meo pardinneiro. Iten mais outro pardinneiro enteiro que esta iusto con a dita carvalla acerca do eido que foy de L(ouren)so R(odrigu)es D'arentei
      Item, the ruins that are in the extreme of the vineyard where there is a bordering fig tree, and another half of a ruined building that is at the extreme of the aforementioned vineyard with the oak that is next to it. Item, another ruins that lies by the aforementioned oak, next to the possessions that were of Lourenzo Rodríguez of Arentei.
  2. wrack (Fucus serratus)

Derived terms


