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From caniad (permission) +‎ -áu, from can- +‎ gadael (allow).[1]





caniatáu (first-person singular present caniatâf)

  1. (transitive) to allow, to permit, to grant, to consent
    Synonyms: cydsynio, gadael, awdurdodi


Conjugation (literary)
singular plural impersonal
first second third first second third
present indicative/future caniatâf caniatei caniatâ caniatawn caniatewch caniatânt caniateir
imperfect (indicative/subjunctive)/
caniatawn caniatait caniatâi caniataem caniataech caniataent caniateid
preterite caniateais caniateaist caniataodd caniatasom caniatasoch caniatasant caniatawyd
pluperfect caniataswn caniatasit caniatasai caniatasem caniatasech caniatasent caniatasid, caniatesid
present subjunctive caniatawyf caniateych caniatao caniataom caniataoch caniataont caniataer
imperative caniatâ caniataed caniatawn caniatewch caniataent caniataer
verbal noun caniatáu
verbal adjectives caniatedig
Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future caniatâ i caniatai di caniataith o/e/hi,
caniataiff e/hi
caniatawn ni caniatawch chi caniatân nhw
conditional caniatawn i,
caniataswn i
caniataet ti,
caniataset ti
caniatâi fo/fe/hi,
caniatasai fo/fe/hi
caniataen ni,
caniatasen ni
caniataech chi,
caniatasech chi
caniataen nhw,
caniatasen nhw
preterite caniataes i caniataest ti caniataodd o/e/hi caniataon ni caniataoch chi caniataon nhw
imperative caniatâ caniatawch

Derived terms



Mutated forms of caniatáu
radical soft nasal aspirate
caniatáu ganiatáu nghaniatáu chaniatáu

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.


  1. ^ R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “caniatáu”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies