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Old Spanish






calient (plural calientes)

  1. Apocopic form of caliente; hot, warm
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 62r:
      eſta era ſue uiſta ſemblança de omne. auie .iiij. fazes acada vna. e .iiij. alas. a cada una delas e ſos pies derechos e las plantas de ſos pies como plantas de pies de berzero en tallado como el animne calient e manos de omne ujſſs alas a quatro partes.
      This was their likeness: Human in appearance. They had four faces each, and each one of them had four wings. And their feet were straight, and the soles of their feet like the soles of a calf's feet, burnished liked hot bronze. And human hands under their wings on their four sides.
    • c. 1250, Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 50v:
      [] Et es de natura calient ⁊ humida. Et la ſu forma es atal como fongo, ⁊ dend a ella eſte nombre.
      [] And it is warm and damp in nature. And its shape is that of a mushroom, thus the name it has been given.