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a buffalypso

Alternative forms




Blend of buffalo +‎ calypso



buffalypso (plural buffalypso)

  1. A variety of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), developed in 1949 by Trinidad veterinarian Stephen Bennett for meat and haulage.
    • 1984, New Zealand Veterinary Association: Dairy Cattle Society, Proceedings of the Seminar, page 127:
      If we were able to substantially increase the size of Trinidad and Tobago's buffalypso herd, we would have an extremely valuable export commodity.
    • 1989, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, Strategy of Action for Reactivation of Agriculture in the Caribbean Countries, page 44:
      These techniques would also promote the exploitation of unique material, such as the buffalypso of Trinidad and Tobago and blackbelly sheep of Barbados.
    • 2014, Sarah Cameron, Trinidad and Tobago Footprint Focus Guide, →ISBN, page 58..:
      Driving south from Port of Spain along the Uriah Butler highway, you will see sugar, citrus and rice fields, maybe a few buffalypso (buffaloes which have been selectively bred for meat), and Hindu temples and mosques.