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Norwegian Bokmål




Past participle of obsolete verb bornere, "to limit", from French borner, "to limit", thus literally "limited".





bornert (neuter singular bornert, definite singular and plural bornerte)

  1. narrow-minded (having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas)
    • Øyvind Aase, "Komponisthjem som må på kartet", Aftenposten, October 12 2011.
      Som kunstner skrev Hurum en rekke klaverstykker, sanger, fiolin- og orkesterverker av utvilsom kvalitet, og han fremsto i sin tid som en radikaler for Kristianias bornerte kritikerkorps.
      As an artist, Hurum wrote a series of piano pieces, songs, violin and orchestra compositions of indubitable quality, and he was prominent in his day as a radical for Christiania's (i.e. Oslo's) narrow-minded community of critics.
    Jeg synes han er inkompetent, selvopptatt, bornert og en skam for sitt parti. (Georg Apenes to NRK)
    I think he is incompetent, self-centred, narrow-minded and a disgrace to his party.





Norwegian Nynorsk




Past participle of obsolete verb bornere, "to limit", from French borner, "to limit", thus literally "limited".



bornert (neuter singular bornert, definite singular and plural bornerte)

  1. narrow-minded (having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas)
    Eg synest han er inkompetent, sjølvopptatt, bornert og ein skam for partiet sitt. (Georg Apenes on NRK)
    I think he is incompetent, self-centred, narrow-minded and a shame for his party.



