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The phrase originated in an episode of the British television comedy series The Young Ones. The pilot episode, first aired in 1982 and entitled "Demolition", included a brief piece of dialogue by Neil, who was fantasizing about taking advantage of the impending demolition of their home to commit suicide:

  • Neil: When they come, I'm going to hide in the wall cavity and pretend to be thermal insulation. And when they knock the wall down, boomshanka!

The phrase was also spoken by Neil in an episode entitled "Cash", which was first broadcast in 1984. The segment of dialogue, where Neil is composing a letter to his bank manager to request a loan, is as follows;

  • Neil: I know, why not "Boomshanka"?
  • Mike: It's hard to tell, Neil. What does it mean?
  • Neil: It means, "May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman."
  • Rick: A-ha! And what makes you think your bank manager is a man?
  • Neil: Uhm... His beard.
  • Mike: He'll never understand "Boomshanka". You'll have to write the whole thing out.
  • Neil: Right, okay, here we go. "Darling Fascist Bullyboy: Give me some more money, you bastard. May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman, Neil."




  1. (British, humorous) A wish of happiness.