- to hit, to punish
- Yavimine boajácʉ, ãuro ñavañʉre.
- Hit the dog that steals the cassava.
- Yavimine boajácʉ, ãuro ñavañʉre.
- to kill
- Yʉ vecʉre boacácʉ õpoñʉque.
- I killed a tapir with a shotgun.
- Yʉ vecʉre boacácʉ õpoñʉque.
- to play (musical instruments that have strings and drums)
- Bojʉvʉ biurabʉare boarĩ́ yʉriaivʉbu.
- Young people sing playing guitars.
- Bojʉvʉ biurabʉare boarĩ́ yʉriaivʉbu.