Old English
- between
- late 9th century, translation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History
- Đyssum tidum Ongolcyningas þā æðelestan Ōswēo Norðanhymbra cyning ⁊ Eċġberht Contwarena cyning hæfdon betweoh him sprǣċe ⁊ ġeþēahte, hwæt tō donne wǣre bī þǣm stealle Ongolcynnes ċiriċan .
- At this time the most noble English kings, Oswiu of Northumbria and Ecgberht of Kent, held a discussion and conference between them about what was to be done about the state of the English church.
- late 9th century, translation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History
[edit]- Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller (1898) “betweoh”, in An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary[1], 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.