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be- +‎ stämma, like German bestimmen


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bestämma (present bestämmer, preterite bestämde, supine bestämt, imperative bestäm)

  1. to decide (from a position of getting to decide things)
    1. to decide (something) from a position of authority
      Jag bestämmer att kebabsåsen måste göras krämigare
      I'm deciding (as a person who gets to decide things) that the kebab sauce must be made creamier
    2. to decide (something) from a position of getting to decide things more generally
      Kunderna får själva bestämma vilken sås de vill ha
      Customers get to decide themselves which sauce they want
      Synonym: (often) välja (choose)
    3. to be the one in charge, to be the one calling the shots, to be the one who gets to decide
      Kunderna bestämmer
      Customers (get to) decide
      Jag bestämmer här!
      I am in charge here! / I am the one calling the shots here! / I am the person who decides things here!
      Han bestämmer över skogen
      He is in charge of / gets to decide over / rules the forest
      Kungen bestämde över landet
      The king ruled ("decided over") the country
      Vem bestämmer här?
      Who's in charge / calls the shots here?
      De lät Nisse bestämma
      They let Nisse decide
      Du bestämmer inte över mig!
      You're not my boss!
  2. (reflexive) to decide (as an individual or group)
    De bestämde sig för att beställa pizza
    They decided to order pizza
    Jag kan inte bestämma mig
    I can't make up my mind ("I can't decide")
  3. to determine (something)
    bestämma avståndet till Jupiter
    determine the distance to Jupiter
  4. (grammar) to modify

Usage notes


Like "rule," "be in charge," etc. in sense (sense 1), but general to any role where someone gets to decide things.


Conjugation of bestämma (weak)
active passive
infinitive bestämma bestämmas
supine bestämt bestämts
imperative bestäm
imper. plural1 bestämmen
present past present past
indicative bestämmer bestämde bestäms, bestämmes bestämdes
ind. plural1 bestämma bestämde bestämmas bestämdes
subjunctive2 bestämme bestämde bestämmes bestämdes
present participle bestämmande
past participle bestämd

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


