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be- +‎ spetsa



bespetsa (present bespetsar, preterite bespetsade, supine bespetsat, imperative bespetsa)

  1. (reflexive) to expectantly get ready (for something (pleasant)); to look forward to, to expect, to get ready for, to ready oneself for, etc.
    Med två tävlande i toppform kan publiken bespetsa sig på en spännande duell
    With two competitors in top form, the audience can look forward to / can expect / should get ready for [can get ready for] an exciting duel
  2. (rare) to tip (provide with a tip or point, of a weapon or the like)
  3. (rare) to lace (provide with lace, of a garment or the like)


Conjugation of bespetsa (weak)
active passive
infinitive bespetsa bespetsas
supine bespetsat bespetsats
imperative bespetsa
imper. plural1 bespetsen
present past present past
indicative bespetsar bespetsade bespetsas bespetsades
ind. plural1 bespetsa bespetsade bespetsas bespetsades
subjunctive2 bespetse bespetsade bespetses bespetsades
present participle bespetsande
past participle bespetsad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

