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Alternative forms




From bendith +‎ -io.





bendithio (first-person singular present bendithiaf)

  1. to bless (confer or utter a blessing)


Conjugation (colloquial)
colloquial forms
singular plural
first second third first second third
future bendithia i,
bendithiaf i
bendithi di bendithith o/e/hi,
bendithiff e/hi
bendithiwn ni bendithiwch chi bendithian nhw
conditional bendithiwn i,
bendithswn i
bendithiet ti,
bendithset ti
bendithiai fo/fe/hi,
bendithsai fo/fe/hi
bendithien ni,
bendithsen ni
bendithiech chi,
bendithsech chi
bendithien nhw,
bendithsen nhw
preterite bendithiais i,
bendithies i
bendithiaist ti,
bendithiest ti
bendithiodd o/e/hi bendithion ni bendithioch chi bendithion nhw
imperative bendithia bendithiwch


Mutated forms of bendithio
radical soft nasal aspirate
bendithio fendithio mendithio unchanged

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.

Further reading

  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “bendithio”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies