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See also: be-breeched





bebreeched (not comparable)

  1. Alternative form of be-breeched
    • 1921 April 28, “Red trouserettes on waitresses cause stir: Business men flood Chicago restaurant; regain old time pep in race to get tables.”, in Buffalo Express, volume LXXVI, number 89, Buffalo, N.Y., page 2:
      The idea of putting pants on waitresses—or half pants, to be mathematically correct—originated with the manager, as a result of the installation of a mural painting showing a number of red-coated, bebreeched ladies participating in a fox hunt.
    • 1935 December 15, Gordon Gaskill, “Boot and Spur”, in The Knoxville Sunday Journal, volume XI, number 51, Knoxville, Tenn., pages 4—C:
      We found a couple of companion spirits already there, bebooted and bespurred and bebreeched.
    • 1958 August 2, Charles Stinson, “Childen Entranced at the Bowl”, in Los Angeles Times, volume LXXVII, page 11:
      First came the folk dancers from Mr. Walt Disney’s “People and Places” series: the Scots in a blaze of tartans and a braw blare of the pipes; the agile Swedes, the bebreeched and braided Austrians and their robustious Schulpletter;