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Borrowed from Italian barattare.





barantáti impf

  1. to bargain
    Pol ure je barantal za ceno, vendar je plačal le pet evrov manj.
    He was bargaining for three hours, but he paid only five euros less
  2. to deal, to trade
    Synonym: poslováti
    • 1877, Lavoslav Gregorec, Prvi splošni shod avstrijskih katoličanov in njegove resolucije ali sklepi in važniši govori na Dunaju meseca maja 1877[1], Maribor: Katoliško-politično društvo, page 46:
      Drugej kapitalskej skupini prištevamo denar raznih bank, potem denar privatnih oseb, ki ž njim na borzi igrajo, ali ž njim mešetarijo in barantajo, in naposled kapital nacijonalnih bank, ki smejo bankovce izdajati.
      The second capital group consists of money from different banks, then the money of people, which play with it on the stock market or job and trade it, and finally the capital of national banks, which have permission to issue banknotes.



Class V, accentual type III (accent is directly before the endings), imperfective:

Infinitive barantáti (a-ti), l-participle barantȁł
long infinitive1 barantáti
short infinitive2 barantȁt
supine barantȁt
1 Usually only written, except in very formal contexts
2 In spoken formal language, colloquial
masculine feminine neuter
singular barantȁł barantȃla barantálȍ
dual barantálȁ barantálȉ barantálȉ
plural barantálȉ barantálȅ barantálȁ
n-/t-participle (passive participle)
masculine feminine neuter
singular barantán barantána barantáno
dual barantána barantáni barantáni
plural barantáni barantáne barantána
masculine feminine neuter
adverbial š-participle
true gerund barantȃnje
objectified gerund
Present stem barantȃm (a-m)
present indicative
singular dual plural
1st person barantȃm barantȃva, barantȃma barantȃmo
2nd person barantȃš barantȃta, barantȃsta barantȃte, barantȃste
3rd person barantȃ barantȃta, barantȃsta barantȃjo
singular dual plural
1st person barantȁj barantȃjva, barantȃjma barantȃjmo
2nd person barantȁj barantȃjta barantȃjte
3rd person barantȁj barantȃjta
masculine feminine neuter
singular barantajọ̄č barantajọ́ča barantajọ́če
dual barantajọ́ča barantajọ́či barantajọ́či
plural barantajọ́či barantajọ́če barantajọ́ča
adverbial participles
č-participle barantajọ̄č
e-participle barantȃje

Derived terms


Further reading
