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baltais lācis

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Baltais lācis


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baltais lācis m (2nd declension)

  1. A polar bear: a member of species Ursus maritimus.
  2. (idiomatic, usually in the plural, as a locative or directional) Punitive exile to Siberia or other far north areas of Russia.
    par šādu noziegumu draudēja ceļojums pie baltajiem lāčiemfor such a crime one could be exiled to Siberia (lit. threatened with a trip to the polar bears)


Declension of baltais lācis (2nd declension)
singular plural
nominative baltais lācis baltie lāči
genitive baltā lāča balto lāču
dative baltajam lācim baltajiem lāčiem
accusative balto lāci baltos lāčus
instrumental balto lāci baltajiem lāčiem
locative baltajā lācī baltajos lāčos
vocative balto lāci,
baltais lāci
baltie lāči

