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bön +‎ falla



bönfalla (present bönfaller, preterite bönföll, supine bönfallit, imperative bönfall)

  1. to beg, to implore, to beseech (someone, especially in a difficult situation)
    Byborna bönföll riddaren att döda draken
    The villagers begged the knight to kill the dragon
    Skjut mig istället och skona honom, bönföll hon
    Shoot me instead and spare him, she pleaded


Conjugation of bönfalla (class 7 strong)
active passive
infinitive bönfalla bönfallas
supine bönfallit bönfallits
imperative bönfall
imper. plural1 bönfallen
present past present past
indicative bönfaller bönföll bönfalls, bönfalles bönfölls
ind. plural1 bönfalla bönföllo bönfallas bönföllos
subjunctive2 bönfalle bönfölle bönfalles bönfölles
present participle bönfallande
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

See also


