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From old Galician and Old Galician-Portuguese zarello (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), perhaps from a diminutive of Latin lacer. Compare modern Galician cerello (tatter).



azarella m (plural azarellas)

  1. (historical) a certain quality or item of cloth
    • 1474, A. López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 67:
      Iten, preçaron duas toallas e hua azarella e hua sauaa e dous cadillos e hun saquo e hua manta vella e hua azarella em oytenta maravedis
      Item, the apprised two towels and an azarella and a shit and two cadillos and a sack and an old blanket and a azarella in eighty maravedis

