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Alternative forms




Modeled on amen, based on the false etymology that amen is derived from men.


  • IPA(key): /eɪˈwʊmən/, /ɑːˈwʊmən/, /ˈeɪ.wʊmən/




  1. (nonstandard, nonce word, humorous) Form of amen concluding a prayer, focusing on the existence of women.
    • 1994 June 18, Daniel Myers, “A Capella[sic] Filkers”, in alt.music.filk (Usenet):
      Amen (or Awoman) said the Choir: []
    • 1995 June 6, Jeff Bronte, Applied Digital Access, San Diego, “We Should All Be Ashamed”, in bit.listserv.free-l (Usenet):
      AMEN! (or as my feminist best friend teases me, AWOMAN!)
    • 1997 April 12, Carol Ann Hemingway, “Feminist -equality-, no men allowed.”, in alt.feminism (Usenet):
      Amen! (or awoman)
    • 1997 April 22, Don Addison, Darla McClure, “IF WE IGNORE THEM WILL THEY GO AWAY?”, in alt.pagan (Usenet):
    • 1997 July 8, Trickster, “STOP DA XXX PASSWORD SHIT!!!”, in alt.hackers.groups (Usenet):
      Amen. / or / Awoman. / Depending on gender.
    • 1998 January 12, Elvis J.R., “Question?”, in alt.religion.wicca (Usenet):
      Prayer of Damnation / Mother in Hell, / [] / AWoman!
    • 1998 June 17, Raine, “Church of Modern Christianity”, in alt.religion.angels (Usenet):
      As Pastor Blaster would say..."Yea, and verily." or Amen, Awoman, or something close.
    • 1998 August 18, Raine, “JhiaRaine's Annex Answer!”, in alt.religion.angels (Usenet):
      Amen!!! / 'Scuse me...Awoman!!!
    • 1999 April 9, SKWEETER1, “Stevie should be on DIVAS99”, in rec.music.artists.stevie-nicks (Usenet):
      >aMEN! / aWOMAN!
    • 1999 October 24, Bruce Burtin, “BLACK PORN FANS”, in rec.arts.movies.erotica (Usenet):
      Amen. Er, I mean AWoman.
    • 2000 February 12, Patrick McDonough, “I'm back!”, in alt.uk.penpals (Usenet):
      AMEN, or to be more politicly correct, AWOMAN.
    • 2000 February 21, Wes Hutchings, “Random Musings”, in alt.fan.starwars (Usenet):
      > Can I get an AMEN? / I'm still waiting on my awoman.
    • 2000 March 31, Bill Yeakel, “Falling down”, in alc.suicide (Usenet):
      > Amen ! / Awomen !
    • 2000 June 22, Tae Kwon-Do Tiger, “A welcome (was Re: Loneliness)”, in alt.fan.lion-king (Usenet):
      Amen ( or Awoman even, in fact can there be A men? It surely would be Aman?)
    • 2000 July 11, BB, “The rest of the damned thing. By BB(seven beers to no cigs)”, in alt.fan.scarecrow (Usenet):
      It is as it always been and always shall be. / (seven beers) / Amen / Awoman
    • 2001 January 31, Glide95, “RUBS and the like”, in alt.motorcycles.harley (Usenet):
      > AMEN!! / [] / AWOMAN...or...ANYWOMAN
    • 2001 June 12, Jeffrey Speegle, “OT: McVeigh”, in rec.music.makers.percussion (Usenet):
      > Can I get an AMEN? / AMEN (as any good Southern Baptist would say) / AWOMAN (Gots' to be equal these days!)
    • 2002 February 1, sheri.lyn, “girls tattoo”, in sheri.lyn (Usenet):
      "awoman" to that
    • 2002 April 9, Parg2000, “==-=*Romance Novels-- Female Equilivant to PORNO*-==-”, in soc.men (Usenet):
      {Parg} Amen! Or Awoman!
    • 2002 May 20, Kathleen, “Suntanner Apology”, in rec.nude (Usenet):
      amen, awoman
    • 2003 January 25, Bill Dobbins, “Nicole Bass is a man”, in alt.sport.bodybuilding (Usenet):
      Amen to that. Or awoman, as the case may be. Lol
    • 2003 March 18, Alan B. Mac Farlane, “The Sacred Calling of Addiction”, in alt.abuse.recovery (Usenet):
      see phoenix ... just work a Dont[sic] Talk rule like dick head wants - just for a day --- its[sic] a different kind of recovery then dick head does of course - dick head wants it forever and ever amen and awoman.
    • 2003 April 18, John Maines, “Unbelievable!!!!! The best cleanup of a Bootee”, in alt.tv.survivor (Usenet):
      I think we should all get down on our knees and pray for him. <smile> / Amen/Awoman
    • 2003 December 1, Rev.Dave Taylor, “DETROIT DEVIVAL THANKS”, in alt.slack (Usenet):
    • 2004 May 4, Twan Kee, “I don't like bouquets of flowers....”, in alt.paranormal.crop-circles (Usenet):
      > Amen'! / Awoman.....
    • 2004 October 21, SlowJet, “What does "burn in" mean?”, in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (Usenet):
      Amen, Awoman :)
    • 2005 October 22, hbuck, “OT: Term 'freshman' banned at some local schools...”, in alt.autos.toyota (Usenet):
      Amen!.......I mean Awoman....I mean..Oh,Hell.
    • 2007 June 26, Hyerdahl, “Polygamy: the Red State Answer to Family Values. AZ and UT Attorney Generals Won¹t Prosecute It. And Then There's Orrin Hatch.”, in soc.men (Usenet):
      Amen to that. :-) Awoman too. :-)
    • 2021, Emanuel Cleaver, Opening prayer to the 117th United States Congress:
      May the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us and give us peace, peace in our families, peace across this land, and dare I ask, O Lord, peace even in this chamber. We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and ‘God’ known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and awoman.

