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av (off) +‎ somna (fall asleep)



avsomna (present avsomnar, preterite avsomnade, supine avsomnat, imperative avsomna)

  1. (fairly uncommon, somewhat solemn) to (calmly and peacefully) die
  2. (usually in the past participle "avsomnad") to become dormant, die off, cease, or the like (of a project, establishment, discussion or the like – the expected figurative meanings from drifting off to sleep or dying)
    en avsomnad forumtråd
    a dormant forum thread


Conjugation of avsomna (weak)
active passive
infinitive avsomna avsomnas
supine avsomnat avsomnats
imperative avsomna
imper. plural1 avsomnen
present past present past
indicative avsomnar avsomnade avsomnas avsomnades
ind. plural1 avsomna avsomnade avsomnas avsomnades
subjunctive2 avsomne avsomnade avsomnes avsomnades
present participle avsomnande
past participle avsomnad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

