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Blend of avocado +‎ latte.



avolatte (plural avolattes)

  1. (neologism) A latte served in half a hollowed out avocado.
    Synonym: avocado latte
    • 2017 May 22, Danielle Valente, “Avocado Lattes Exist And Everyone's Confused”, in Elite Daily:
      The Aussie cafe has decided to start serving avolattes — yes, avolattes.
    • 2017 June 6, Christian Gollayan, “Coffee shops are ruining perfectly good lattes with vegetables”, in New York Post:
      The troubling trend of serving coffee drinks in hollowed-out produce “cups” has been on the rise since late last month, when a cafe in Melbourne, Australia made headlines for serving lattes in avocado peels (“avolattes”), Newsweek reported.
    • 2017 September 22, Sal DeFrancesco, “Guac Costs Extra”, in Harvard Political Review:
      Given the United States’ current fetishization of a) superfoods like kale and quinoa, b) Mexican chains like Chipotle and Qdoba, and c) Instagram-worthy products like avolattes and avocado toast, DeLyser does not anticipate this “meteoric rise” in avocado consumption going away anytime soon.