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From Old Galician-Portuguese aviinça, a semi-leaned borrowing from Latin advenientia (arriving). Cognate with Portuguese avença and Spanish avenencia.





avinza m (plural avinzas)

  1. (law) settlement, deal
    • 1287, E. Portela Silva, editor, La región del obispado de Tuy en los siglos XII a XV. Una sociedad en expansión y en la crisis, Santiago: Tip. El Eco Franciscano, page 365:
      Conoscuda cousa seya a quantos este plazo viren e oyren como contenda fosse entre don hanrrique abade doya eo convento desse logar da huna parte eo Conçello e os alcaydes da Garda da outra sobre demandas e contendas que avian ontre si e a plazer das partes veeron aatal aviinça e aatal conposiçon [...]
      This must be known to everyone reading or hearing this charter: that there were an argument in between Don Henrique, abbot of Oia and that place's convent, on the one hand, and the council and mayors of A Garda, on the other, about claims and disputes that they had; and pleasantly both parts arrived to this settlement and to this arrangement [...]
    Synonyms: acordo, tratado
  2. (law) agreement, covenant
    • 1289, Antonio López Ferreiro, editor, Fueros municipales de Santiago y de su tierra, Madrid: Ediciones Castilla, page 113:
      Esta he a auiinca ontre os vigarios e cabido dos canbeadores e os ouriuez que fazen a seu prazer de sy, huus et outros et per suas voontades et serviço de deus et del rrey et onrra da iglesiade Santiago et a seruico do concello et a prol dos da terra
      This is the agreement in between the [gild's] vicars and chapter of the money exchangers and of the goldsmiths, that they do to their own pleasure, both for their own will, in the service of God and king, in honor of the church of Santiago and in the service of the city council and for the profit of the countrymen
    Synonyms: convenio, pacto, acordo
  3. (dated, frequently in the plural) annual fee paid as a consequence of an agreement or covenant
    • 1418, Ángel Rodríguez González (ed.), Libro do Concello de Santiago (1416-1422). Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega, page 107:
      Iten que acadastes vos o dito Gil Peres das aviinças dos moleiros da ribeira de Sarela et de duas viuvas, dusentos et seseenta moravedis de moeda vella que nos avian de dar o dito anno.
    • 1458, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page 191:
      Ena çidade d'Ourense, des e sete dias do mes de desenbro, Ano Domini Mo CCCC L VIII anos, ena praça do Canpo, estando y presentes Gonçaluo Lopes, Gonçaluo Peres de Reqeixo, juises da dita çidade, Vaasco Gomes, Johán Cortydo, Martín do Cabo, rejedores, Nuno d'Ousende, procurador do conçello da dita çidade, en presença de min o notario et testemuyas de juso escriptas, outrosy estando y presente Gomes Mouro, gayteyro, logo os ditos juises et rejedores et procurador diseron que fasían aviinça et reçebyan por vesiño da dita çidade ao dito Gomes, gayteyro, por todo tenpo de sua vida e que se byese morar á dita çibdade e que pagase de cada hun ano avynça ao dito conçello des e oyto mrs de moeda vella
      At the city of Ourense, seventeen days of December, Anno Domini 1458, at the Praza de Campo square; being present there Gonzalvo López, Gonzalvo Pérez de Requeixo, judges of this city; Vasco Gómez, Xohán Cortido, Martín do Cabo, councilors; Nuno de Ousende, representative of the city council; in the presence of me, the notary, and of the aforementioned witnesses; being also there Gómez Mouro, bagpiper; then the aforementioned judges and councilors and representative said that they will do a covenant to accept the aforementioned Gómez, bagpiper, as citizen of this city for life, and that he should come live here and pay each year as fee to this council eighteen maravedis of the old coin

Derived terms

  • avir (to reconcile; to agree)

