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From av- +‎ handla.



avhandla (present avhandlar, preterite avhandlade, supine avhandlat, imperative avhandla)

  1. to deal with, to discuss (treat, in a discussion, exposition, or the like)
    Frågan avhandlades på mötet
    The question was discussed at the meeting
    Vilket ämne avhandlas i forumtråden?
    What subject is discussed in the forum thread? / What subject does the forum thread deal with?
    Kapitel fem i boken avhandlar parningsritualer bland fåglar
    Chapter five of the book deals with mating rituals among birds


Conjugation of avhandla (weak)
active passive
infinitive avhandla avhandlas
supine avhandlat avhandlats
imperative avhandla
imper. plural1 avhandlen
present past present past
indicative avhandlar avhandlade avhandlas avhandlades
ind. plural1 avhandla avhandlade avhandlas avhandlades
subjunctive2 avhandle avhandlade avhandles avhandlades
present participle avhandlande
past participle avhandlad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


