averne abbastanza

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avérne abbastanza (pronominal, first-person singular present (with syntactic gemination after the verb) ne abbastanza, first-person singular past historic ne èbbi abbastanza or ne ébbi abbastanza, past participle avùto abbastanza, first-person singular future ne avrò abbastanza, first-person singular subjunctive ne àbbia abbastanza, second-person singular imperative àbbine abbastanza, auxiliary avére)

  1. to have enough, to have a sufficient amount [with di ‘of something’]
    Non mi serve cibo, ne ho abbastanza.I don't need any food, I have enough.
  2. (idiomatic) to have had enough (of), to be fed up (with), to have had it up to here (with) [with di ‘something/someone’]
    Ne ho abbastanza di queste stupidaggini!I've had it up to here with this nonsense!