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From auto- +‎ nepiophilia.


  • IPA(key): /ˌɔːtəʊˌniːpiəʊˈfɪliə/



autonepiophilia (uncountable)

  1. Paraphilic infantilism with oneself in the role of the infant.
    • 2004, Nancy Butcher, The Strange Case of the Walking Corpse:
      With one kind of chronophilia called autonepiophilia, sexual arousal and pleasure are dependent on, and responsive to, pretending to be a baby in diapers and having one's sexual partner play along.
    • 2006, Eric W. Hickey, Sex Crimes and Paraphilia, page 355:
      Infantilism, also known as autonepiophilia (Money, 1986) is a paraphilia characteristic of a masquerade in which an individual is symbolically transformed back to infancy.
    • 2007, Fouad R. Kandeel, Male Sexual Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment, page 89:
      Autonepiophilia is when the paraphilic individual behaves like a child, usually in wearing diapers as a necessary part of sexual activity.



See also
