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From auglis (fruit) +‎ -īgs.


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auglīgs (definite auglīgais, comparative auglīgāks, superlative visauglīgākais, adverb auglīgi)

  1. (of plants, plantations) fertile, fruitful, productive (which grows quickly, which thrives; from which one obtains a good harvest)
    auglīga zemeņu šķirnefertile, fruitful strawberry variety
    bieži redzami kilometriem gari, auglīgi vīna dārzioften visible (were) kilometer-long, productive vineyards
  2. fertile, fruitful (which helps, favors growth, productivity)
    auglīga zemefertile land
    auglīga vasarafertile summer
    auglīgs lietusfertile rain
    auglīgi vējifertile winds
    auglīga ielejafertile valley
    nakts bija itin silta, klusa un auglīgathe night was quite warm, silent and fruitful, fertile
  3. (figuratively) fruitful, fertile (which favors the development of some process or event; which yields good, valuable results)
    auglīga domafruitful thought
    auglīgs darbsfruitful, productive work
    auglīgs ierosinājumsfruitful, productive suggestion
    šāda koopēracija ir auglīgathis kind of coopertation is fruitful
    mūsu kultūra augusi un veidojusies krievu kultūras auglīgajā ietekmēour culture grew and formed itself under the fruitful, fertile influence of the Russian culture


Indefinite declension (nenoteiktā galotne) of auglīgs
masculine (vīriešu dzimte) feminine (sieviešu dzimte)
singular plural singular plural
nominative auglīgs auglīgi auglīga auglīgas
genitive auglīga auglīgu auglīgas auglīgu
dative auglīgam auglīgiem auglīgai auglīgām
accusative auglīgu auglīgus auglīgu auglīgas
instrumental auglīgu auglīgiem auglīgu auglīgām
locative auglīgā auglīgos auglīgā auglīgās



Derived terms
