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  1. Misconstruction of attributive
    • 1831, The principles of surgery, page 191:
      It has, however, been generally considered as of a peculiar kind, and has received an attributative designation, as if the action had a character of its own, distinct from that of all other inflammations, and at the same time quite independent of the structure which it affected.
    • 1956, Poetic, scientific, and other forms of discourse; a new approach to Greek and Latin literature, page 67:
      [] a definite distinction is made between the predicative construction and the attributative by means of the devices of the definite article and the weak adjective.
    • 2004, More dirty looks : gender, pornography and power, page 97:
      If the attributative body of performative actions, behaviours and utterances has no place in cyberspace, it is hazardous to suggest that this means there are no bodies in cyberspace.