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From astro- +‎ technology.


  • IPA(key): /əˈstɹɑtɛkˈnɒləd͡ʒi/
  • Hyphenation: as‧tro‧tech‧no‧logy



astrotechnology (usually uncountable, plural astrotechnologies)

  1. (science fiction, informal, rare) Space technology.
    • 2009, Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
      Ford hunted excitedly through the technical specs of the ship, occasionally gasping with astonishment at what he read – clearly Galactic astrotechnology had moved ahead during the years of his exile.
    • 2014, Darryl Gopaul, Escape from Jipadara: A Solar System of Three Planets with Sentient Life Forms:
      He observed using astrotechnology at his disposal to search out a civilization using updated technology.
    • 2016, Os Guinness, Impossible People: Christian Courage and the Struggle for the Soul of Civilization:
      Our scientist-kings and our brave new age of biotechnology (and then astrotechnology: the engineering of space) are the latest in giant steps that will take this Babel drive to a new level.
  2. (science fiction) Synonym of xenotechnology
  3. The technology of astronomy



Derived terms
