[edit]arenaful (plural arenafuls or arenasful)
- as much as an arena would hold.
- 1972, The Rotarian, page 27:
- Called "Texania 72", the show blossomed with Texas talent and some nice international touches: an arenaful of flags of Rotary countries posted in by scores of galloping horsemen
- 2009, Javier Marías, Your Face Tomorrow, New Directions Publishing, →ISBN, page 4:
- My initial thought was: 'It's what we call “vergüenza torera,” literally “a bullfighter's sense of shame,”' and then: 'Because bullfighters, of course, have loads of witnesses, a whole arenaful, plus sometimes a TV audience of millions,
- 2010, Belinda Carlisle, Lips Unsealed: A Memoir, Crown Archetype, →ISBN, page 116:
- He had all the goods to make him a great lead singer: hot looks, an animal-like sexuality, a mysteriousness, and the ability to deliver to an arenaful of people and touch the person in the back row.
- 2010, Matt Labash, Fly Fishing with Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys, Simon & Schuster, →ISBN, page 184:
- It was our sincere hope that though they were singing for Jesus now, our new idols had once snorted their weight in cocaine and boinked arenasful of groupies.