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ao primeiro

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ao primeiro

  1. (idiomatic) at first, initially
    Synonym: inicialmente
    • 1895, Antonio López Ferreiro, A tecedeira de Bonaval, page 113:
      O amo estaba que bufaba; ao primeiro non se apurou cousa, ademais de teer bastante pachorra, xa contaba con que as cousas do paço van por despacio. Pero así que pasaron dous meses, non sabía si incomodarse con Gonçalvo, si maxinar que o roubasen ou o matasen no camiño
      "The lord was very angry; at first he didn't mind, he had phlegm enough, and he knew that Rome wasn't built in one day. But after two months passed he didn't know if he should be annoyed with Gonçalvo, or either to imagine that they had robbed or killed him along the way"

