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ao frigir dos ovos

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See Spanish al freír de los huevos lo verá (you will see it when you fry the eggs), the proof of the pudding is in the eating.



ao frigir dos ovos

  1. (formal) Used to introduce a sort of rhetorical or narrative climax at the end of the day; ultimately
    • 2017 May 16, Eduardo Escorel, Piauí:
      Ao frigir dos ovos, manda ao diabo suas boas intenções nacionalistas e se transforma em tapete para Diaz, pinça do caranguejo imperialista em Eldorado.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. (formal) Used to defy the so far established expectations of the conversational partner, implying that when the stated hypotheses are put to the test, they fail nevertheless
    • 2011 June 7, Luis Nassif, Jornal GGN:
      Mas, ao frigir dos ovos, se esse era para ser o Mensalão da Dilma, ela está em melhores lençóis do que Lula quando pipocou o seu
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)



See also


