1998 March 29, Max Varazslo, “Re: No answers yet...”, in alt.circumcision[1] (Usenet):
What we anti-circers hope to accomplish is to protect a newborn's right to his full range of penile sensation, which will of course develop as he grows older.
2000 December 7, prhagen, “Re: The Foreskin is Necessary”, in alt.circumcision[2] (Usenet):
And how come you consider this particular African to be credible when your fellow anti-circers have made a point of dismissing ALL African studies regarding circ status and HIV to be fatally flawed?
2004 February 14, Jake Waskett, “Re: 50% of Married Women do not know if their husband is circumcised”, in alt.circumcision[3] (Usenet):
Why are anti-circers even discussing UTIs if "bodily rights" are so all-important?