[edit]anointer (plural anointers)
- One who anoints.
- 1731, John Gill, "The Doctrine of the Trinity, ſtated and vindicated; in ſeveral Diſcourſes on that important Subject; reduced into the form of a Treatiſe", in A Collection of Sermons and Tracts by the Late Reverend and Learned John Gill, D.D., Volume III, George Keith (1778), page 34,
- “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, becauſe he hath anointed me, &c.” where it is eaſy to obſerve three divine perſons: the Anointer is the Spirit of the Lord; the anointed is the Meſſiah, the Word, the Lord Jeſus Chriſt: and beſides theſe, here is the Lord, or Jehovah, by whoſe Spirit he was anointed.
- 1869, Charlotte Mary Yonge, Cameos from English History: from Rollo to Edward II, D. Appleton and Company, page 82:
- Aldred, Wulstan’s former Bishop, now Archbishop of York, was the anointer of both Harold and William the Conqueror.
- 2007, Dan Hayden, Did God Write the Bible?, Crossway, →ISBN, page 121:
- The next writer to pen the pages of Israel’s history was the long-lived and notable Samuel, one of Israel’s greatest prophets and anointer of kings.
- 1731, John Gill, "The Doctrine of the Trinity, ſtated and vindicated; in ſeveral Diſcourſes on that important Subject; reduced into the form of a Treatiſe", in A Collection of Sermons and Tracts by the Late Reverend and Learned John Gill, D.D., Volume III, George Keith (1778), page 34,
[edit]one who anoints