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Old Tupi




Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *anɨra.


  • IPA(key): [ã.ⁿdɨˈɾa]
  • Rhymes: -a
  • Hyphenation: a‧ndy‧rá



andyrá (unpossessable)

  1. bat (any flying mammal of the order Chiroptera)[1]
    • c. 1583, Joseph of Anchieta, “Na feſta de .ſ. Lço [At the Saint Lawrence Festival]” (chapter XLIV), in [livrinho de variaſ poeziaſ] [Booklet of various poems], Niterói, page 71, lines 483–493; republished as Maria de Lourdes de Paula Martins, compiler, Poesias, São Paulo, 1956, page 133:
      Anjo. Baepe que tuj opica?
      Andira ruâpee.
      Panama, coipo guaiquica?
      enero, cururu açica?
      eri, carigueya e.
      baenẽ baepoxi
      bora, miaratacaca
      ceboi, tamarutaca
      ſarau[aya] — Xepoeirai, xeropecij
      auye, teume xemombaca.
      [Anjo: Mba'epe ké tuî opyka? / Andyrá ruãpe é, / panama koîpó gûaîkuíka? / Ené, rõ, kururuasyka? / Erĩ, sarigûeîa é./ Eîori / mba'enem, mba'epoxy, / mborá, miaratakaka, / sebo'i, tamarutaka.
      Saraûaîa: Xe pûeraî, xe ropesyî. / Aûîé, teumẽ xe mombaka.]
      Angel: What is here, lying still? Is it a bat, a butterfly or a short-tailed opossum? Maybe a crippled frog? Ay opossum! Come, you stinky, nasty thing, stingless bee, skunk, worm, mantis shrimp.
      Saraûaîa: I'm tired, I'm sleepy. Enough! Don't wake me up!
  2. (strictly) common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus)[2][1][3]


  • Nheengatu: andirá


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gabriel Soares de Sousa (1587) chapter LXXXVI, in Noticia do Brasil (overall work in Portuguese), Salvador; republished as Francisco Adolpho de Varnhagen, editor, Tratado descriptivo do Brazil em 1587, Rio de Janeiro: Laemmert, 1851, page 233:andura [andyrá]
  2. ^ André Thevet (1575) chapter XVI, in La Coſmographie Vniuerſelle d’André Theuet [The Universal Cosmography of André Thevet], volume II (overall work in Middle French), Paris: Guillaume Chaudiere, page 992:andura [andyrá]
  3. ^ Claude d'Abbeville (1614) chapter XXXIX, in Hiſtoire de la Miſsion des Peres Capucins en L’Iſle de Maragnan et terres circonuoiſines [History of the Mission of the Capuchin Fathers in the Island of Maranhão and surrounding lands] (overall work in French), Paris: Imprimerie de François Huby, page 240:Andheura [Andyrá]