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By surface analysis, ambi- +‎ generic



ambigeneric (not comparable)

  1. (linguistics) Having both masculine and feminine gender.
    • 2010, Ti Alkire, Carol Rosen, Romance Languages: A Historical Introduction, page 282:
      Another conspicuous feature of Romanian noun morphology is the class of ambigeneric nouns, masculine when singular and feminine when plural.
  2. (by extension) Having both masculine and feminine gender.
    • 2018, Sebastian Fedden, Jenny Audring, Greville G. Corbett, Non-Canonical Gender Systems, page 235:
      The ambigeneric controllers behave as masculine and feminine , depending on the gender of the speaker
    • 2018, E. E. Cummings, George James Firmage, A Miscellany (Revised):
      The cast is excellent, Mary Garden excelling inthe difficult part of Liz, while Sir Al Forbes-Robertson Jolson's portrayal of the ambigeneric hero is a triumph of tact, vigour, and nuance; and profusely illustrated brochures, entitled " Anthony Comstock's Reminiscences, or Tramping on Life " are distributed ( gratis ) to members of the audience, at eacch and every performance which I myself enjoyed very mcuh.