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The gender-neutral suffix -x replaces the gendered Latinate suffixes -us and -a. Compare Latinx, Mx.





alumnx (plural alumnx)

  1. (neologism, often proscribed) An alumnus or alumna (of any gender).
    • 2018 Winter/Spring, John Schwerbel, “Alumnx HQ: A Note From the Chair”, in The Pool, number 2, California Institute of the Arts, page 63:
      Since re-booting the Alumnx Council last fall, we've embarked on a fresh direction that we're very excited about. Through projects and initiatives aimed at you, our mission is to provide support, encourage connection, and strengthen the ties of our alumnx community.
    • 2018 May 9, “Art: New This Week”, in Seven Days, volume 23, number 34, Burlington, VT: Da Capo Publishing Inc., page 76:
      vsc & vcfa alumnx exhibition: “It went like this: the skyline was beautiful on fire,” works by 24 alumnx created in response to contemporary political upheaval, juried by Meg Onli.
    • 2018 Fall, Jason C. Garvey, Maureen A. Flint, Laura A. Sanders, “Perceptions of Campus Climate among LGBTQ Alumnx”, in Philanthropy & Education, volume 2, number 1, →DOI, page 97:
      This study examines the relationship between undergraduate experience and alumnx factors on perceptions of campus climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, and queer (LGBTQ) graduates of four-year higher education institutions in the U.S. [] Findings from the step-wise regression explained 45% of the variance in perceptions of campus climate for LGBTQ alumnx.
    • 2020, Kristen A. Renn, “Success for LGBT College and University Students”, in Gail Crimmins, editor, Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy: Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, →DOI, →ISBN, page 191:
      A typical process entails bringing together staff responsible for designing these interactions: admissions, new student orientation, housing, academic advising, student affairs, LGBT+ resource center (if a campus has one), registrar, health providers and health educators, development and alumnx relations, and so forth.









alumnx gender-neutral (plural alumnxs, feminine alumna, feminine plural alumnas, masculine alumno, masculine plural alumnos)

  1. gender-neutral neologism for alumno and alumna (“pupil, student, learner”)
    • 2014, José A. Rodríguez-Quiles, “Chateando en el aula a pequeños sorbos. Aspectos performativos en culturas digitales escolares”, in José Francisco Durán Medina, editor, Aprendiendo en el nuevo espacio educativo superior, Asociación Cultural y Científica Iberoamericana, →ISBN, page 405:
      El autor agradece la desinteresada colaboración de todos los informantes, tanto alumnxs como profesorxs.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2020, Mariana Cervera Novo, “Experiencia educativa de imposición de nombre en el Jardín de Infantes Nº 923 “Macedonio Rodríguez””, in Silvia Almazán, Gustavo Galli, Natalia Stoppani, editors, Huellas de la educación popular en la escuela pública, Noveduc, →ISBN, page 30:
      A partir de este acontecimiento tan importante en la historia del jardín, se hizo frecuente la participación de alumnxs y docentes en los desfiles organizados por los Veteranos de Malvinas y el municipio de Almirante Brown para el 2 de Abril, acompañando a la familia de Macedonio.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2022, Diana Milstein, editor, La etnografía es también cosa de chicos: Trabajos de campo y publicación de resultados de etnografías con niños, niñas y jóvenes, Miño y Dávila, →ISBN:
      Ambos libros despertaron mucho interés entre lxs docentes, lxs auxiliares de la escuela y otrxs niñxs y también entre algunxs vecinxs, sobre todo ex alumnxs.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Usage notes
