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From alpha +‎ beta +‎ gamma.



alphabetagamma (not comparable)

  1. (organic chemistry) Pertaining to the alpha, beta, and gamma positions on an organic molecule.
    • 1996, Cumulated Index Medicus, page 31680:
      The role of the amino-terminal and coiled-coil regions of the three chains in the formation of the alphagamma and betagamma heterodimers and alphabetagamma half-molecules.
    • 2004, Index Medicus, page 1737:
      Pseudomonas stutzeri soluble nitrate reductase alphabeta-subunit is a soluble enzyme with a similar electronic structure at the active light site as the inner membrane-bound alphabetagamma holoenzyme.
    • 2012, Terpenes: Advances in Research and Application, ScholarlyEditions, published 2011, →ISBN:
      Plant diterpene cyclases have a similar catalytic motif and betagamma-domain structure together with a third, alpha-domain, forming an alphabetagamma structure, and in H(+)-initiated cyclases, there is an EDxxD-like Mg(2+)/diphosphate binding motif located in the gamma-domain,” wrote R. Cao and colleagues, University of Illinois, Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology. The researchers concluded: “The results support a new view of terpene cyclase structure and function and suggest evolution from ancient (betagamma) bacterial triterpene cyclases to (betagamma) bacterial and thence to (alphabetagamma) plant diterpene cyclases.”