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alle prese

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Literally, at the grips. Compare French être aux prises.

Prepositional phrase


alle prese

  1. (with con) in a state of combat or struggle (with)
    • 2020 October 2, Gianluca di Feo, “Trump ordina: niente parità di genere nei Navy Seal [Trump orders: no gender equality in the Navy SEALs]”, in la Repubblica[1]:
      Sono passati oltre vent'anni da quando Demi Moore ha interpretato il "Soldato Jane" alle prese con le prove psicologiche e fisiche più dure che esistano: quelle per diventare un Seal.
      More than twenty years have passed since Demi Moore played "Soldier Jane" in struggle with the hardest psychological and physical tests that exist: those to become a SEAL.
  2. (archaic) in each other's grip (of two fighters)

Derived terms


