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From algebra +‎ -ician.



algebrician (plural algebricians)

  1. Synonym of algebraist
    • 1898, John Aubrey, Andrew Clark, 'Brief Lives': Chiefly of Contemporaries, page 198:
      Michaell Dary, mathematician, and a gunner of the Tower (by profession, a tobacco-cutter), an admirable algebrician, was buryed in the churchyard neer Bethlem on May-day 1679.b
    • 1999, Joseph-Marie Montmasson, Invention and the Unconscious, page 56:
      But this idea, which is a general postulate in all demonstrations, has been taken for granted by every algebrician and geometer.
    • 2015, Ruth Scurr -, John Aubrey: My Own Life, page 282:
      He was an old man, I guess over sixty-six, and an admirable algebrician.