Old English
[edit]āfūndennys f
- invention
- c. 992, Ælfric, "The Epiphany of the Lord"
- Þa ðe ne gelyfað ðurh agenne cyre hí scoriað, na ðurh gewyrd, forðan ðe gewyrd nis nan ðing buton leas wena; ne nan ðing soðlice be gewyrde ne gewyrð, ac ealle ðing þurh Godes dom beoð geendebyrde, seðe cwæð þurh his witegan, "Ic afandige manna heortan, and heora lendena, and ælcum sylle æfter his færelde, and æfter his agenre afūndennysse."
- Those who believe not through their own choice perish, not through destiny, for destiny is nothing but a false imagination; for nothing takes place by destiny, but all things are ordered by the doom of God, who said through his prophet, "I try the hearts of men, and their loins, and give to everyone according to his course, and according to his own invention."
- c. 992, Ælfric, "The Epiphany of the Lord"