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Alternative forms




From Greek αυτός ποιος (είναι;) (aftós poios (eínai;), who (is) this one?, a pejorative expression). Compare Turkish kıtıpiyos.



aftospiyos (slang)

  1. useless, worthless


  • Aktunç, Hulki (1998) “aftos piyos”, in Türkçenin büyük argo sözlüğü (tanıklarıyla) [Great Dictionary of Turkish Argot (with Attestations)] (in Turkish), Istanbul: YKY, page 31ab
  • Eren, Hasan (1999) “aftospiyos”, in Türk Dilinin Etimolojik Sözlüğü [Etymological Dictionary of the Turkish Language]‎[1] (in Turkish), Ankara: Bizim Büro Basım Evi, page 3a
  • Devellioğlu, Ferit (1980) “aftospiyoz”, in Türk argosu: Inceleme ve sözlük (Aydin Kitabevi yayınları. Sözlük dizisi; 1)‎[2] (in Turkish), 6th edition, Ankara: Aydın Kitabevi, page 54b
  • Symeonidis, Charalambos (1973) “Griechische Lehnwörter im Türkischen”, in Balkan Studies[3] (in German), volume 14, § 24, page 174
  • Symeonidis, Charalambos (2001) “Zum türkischen Argot und seinen griechischen Elementen”, in Birgit Igla and Thomas Stolz, editors, "Was ich noch sagen wollte…": A multilingual Festschrift for Norbert Boretzky on occasion of his 65th birthday (Studia Typologica; 2) (in German), →DOI, page 185 of 181–187
  • Spies, Otto (1931) “Zur Stambuler Geheim- und Berufssprache”, in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (in German), volume 34, number 12, →DOI, column 1025