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- wind
Iyaw adzəkà masuway, ahənà à mukwà à afik, afaɗ aɗə̀ɗ la ndzəɗa, ŋgaha gày atə̀ɗ à ahəŋ gərim, matəɗ à ahəŋ aŋha kà panàhhà." (Mata 7:27)[1]- And the rain came down and the river came and the wind blew and beat against that house, and it collapsed, and its fall was great.” (Matthew 7:27)
Tadà à kəslah iyaw à afik atà səla, ŋgaha afaɗ aɗə̀ɗ aya aw, adzà à ahəŋ titi. (Mata 14:32)[2]- And when they got into the boat, the wind didn't blow any more. (Matthew 14:32)