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See also: aerólitho






  1. dative/ablative singular of āerolithus





aerolitho m (plural aerolithos)

  1. Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1911 in Portugal) of aerólito / aerolito.
    • 1868, Júlio Dinis, “O que vale uma resolução [What a resolution is worth]”, in A. R. da Cruz Coutinho, editor, Uma familia ingleza: scenas da vida do Porto [An English family: scenes of the life in Porto], 3rd edition, Porto: Typographia do Jornal do Porto, published 1875, page 216:
      Muitos dos que escaparam áquella carreira impetuosa, áquella velocidade, comparavel á do aerolitho, ficavam a murmurar phrases, mais ou menos impacientes, contra o imprudente cavalleiro.
      Many of those who escaped from that impetuous charge, from that speed, comparable to that of an aerolith, were left murmuring phrases, more or less impatient, against the reckless rider.
    • 1931 February 18, “Um aerolito[sic] monstro [A monstrous aerolith]”, in A Noite, Rio de Janeiro:
      Communicam da Cidade do Cabo que um scientista britannico descobriu na região comprehendida entre os lagos de Tanganyka e Nyasa um aerolitho profundamente enterrado no solo, de dimensões ainda nunca vistas.
      They report from Cape Town that a British scientist has discovered in the region between the Tanganyika and Nyasa lakes an aerolith deeply buried in the ground, of dimensions yet unseen.

Usage notes


This form was used more frequently than aerólitho, spelled with an explanatory accent.