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aday adayı

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From aday (candidate) +‎ aday +‎ (possessive suffix), literally candidate of candidate, from ad (name) +‎ -ay, from Proto-Turkic *āt (name).[1][2]





aday adayı (definite accusative aday adayını, plural aday adayları)

  1. A person who applies to achieve candidate status for a certain position.
  2. A person who stands as candidate in a primary election or a candidate nomination event within their political party in a congressional or senatorial election.


Declension of aday adayı
singular plural
nominative aday adayı aday adayları
definite accusative aday adayını aday adaylarını
dative aday adayına aday adaylarına
locative aday adayında aday adaylarında
ablative aday adayından aday adaylarından
genitive aday adayının aday adaylarının

See also



  1. ^ Starostin, Sergei, Dybo, Anna, Mudrak, Oleg (2003) “*āt”, in Etymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill
  2. ^ Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–) “aday”, in Nişanyan Sözlük

Further reading
